Belly Fat Health Risks
Belly Fat in many cultures has been viewed as a sign of prosperity. A lot of wealth, plenty to eat and drink, no need for physical toil and exertion. What a life! However, given the evidence produced by many medical studies, many would shy away from this type of lifestyle especially if it means having a pot belly. This is due to abdominal obesity having been identified as an emerging risk factor with grave consequences to health.
Belly Fat And Heart Disease
Abdominal obesity which is excess belly fat, has been linked to high cardiovascular or heart disease. It has been found to be made up of two layers: the subcutaneous fat and intra-abdominal adiposity. Essentially, we have the first layer and the second layer separated by the abdominal cavity. Such fat is characterized by an increase in waist circumference. Once, this is apparent, it calls for an intervention. In mild cases, increased physical activity or a regular exercise program, general change in lifestyle and proper diets may help bring about the required loss or reduction. For chronic conditions, it may be necessary to consider other alternatives such as surgery, liposuction and diet pills. However, the overall consideration would be safety and long term effects.
What Are The Benefits Of Reducing Belly Fat?
In reducing or getting rid of excess fat, we are also reducing our body weight. What are the implications? As an example, a mere 7kg weight reduction in a 70kg person, which is a 10% weight loss, has shown to reduce:
* Mortality by 20-25%.
* Risk of developing diabetes by 50%
* Total cholesterol by 10%
* 10% reduction in systolic and 20% reduction in diastolic blood pressure
Belly Fat Reduction Products
There are many products and services online for the reduction of excess fat. In selecting such offerings, one has to be careful of unsubstantiated claims. It would be prudent to check whether the products or ingredients are safe and not banned. In deciding on the solution, it must be borne in mind that personal profiles and circumstances are important factors. What would be effective for you? You would be in the best position to decide based on your particular situation. If you should decide on prescription medication, ensure that it is obtained from a highly reputable and trusted source. Perhaps, medication may not be the answer. You may have tried exercise and medication without success. If this is the case, you may need to find out why these do not work. Is it because there is something in your system that is working against you getting rid of your belly fat?
If you have tried pills, diets,exercises and other interventions, its time to look within for the root cause. You will be shocked to learn what is within you that impedes digestion,fat burn and weight loss. Parasites? Plaque/ Yes these and more can be found in your digestive system. Click on 3 best ways to get rid of belly fat
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